The Story of How EngageMint Came Into Being

At WebEngage, we work closely with hundreds of customers to help them optimize their marketing automation efforts. While the end goal is always to increase revenue – over the years we have realized that there’s a lot more to driving conversion rates than just creating a compelling multi-channel campaign. 

It’s possible for any online business to integrate a marketing automation software, create personalized campaigns to interact with users. But businesses which integrate elements of personalized engagement within the product itself, inherently enjoy higher retention rates. 

Unfortunately, rapidly evolving customer needs and expectations have far outflung the way product managers and marketers approach user engagement today. Blurring the lines between product, tech and marketing is the only way forward to meeting the needs of modern users. 

In an attempt to get the ball rolling in that direction, the team at WebEngage sought to create a platform where the best minds can congregate to shape the future of marketing technology and retention. Thus, EngageMint came into being.

What is Stop Marketing, Start Engaging?

It’s time to address the elephant in the room. By now, you must have noticed that the domain on which this page is currently being hosted is not But rather a long gibberish thread which reads – stop marketing, start engaging. 

No, we are not trying to economise (it’s not like we couldn’t afford Rather, we chose to get a bigger message across to our audience – Stop Marketing and Start Engaging Your Customers!

#StopMarketingStartEngaging is a thought leadership campaign spearheaded by WebEngage.  It aims at changing the underlying thought with which marketers currently tackle user engagement and retention problems. The upcoming EngageMint 2018 Conference is humble beginning to propagate the idea. We hope you leave the day long conference a marketer, re-born.

But this is not it. There’s a lot more coming soon! 

Keep watching this space for more on – An online hub where budding marketing professionals can look forward to learning something new and refreshing every week.

About WebEngage

WebEngage is a full stack marketing automation suite which makes it possible for consumer businesses to get a 360° view of their users, marketing efforts and everything else in between.

Loaded with cross platform and cross channel analytics, the WebEngage platform makes it easy for marketers to execute data driven, personalized campaigns through its Journey Designer and channels including, Push, In-app, Email SMS, Web-Push, On-site Messaging. Please drop in a few lines at [email protected] in case you’d like to know more about the product.

WebEngage is the sole owner of the EngageMint Conference and the #StopMarketingStartEngaging initiative. Please write to us at [email protected] in case you have any queries regarding the conference or sponsorship.